1. Greensboro, North Carolina
- Greensboro has a population of 270,619 with a population density of 2,139 people per sq. mile.
- 126.515 square miles of Greensboro is land, and 5.286 square miles is water.
- Within 1 mile of the city center, Greensboro has at least 20 restaurants, 16 coffee shops, 13 parks, 11 libraries, 4 fitness centers, and 14 grocery stores.
- Greensboro has a Humid Subtropical climate. The air quality index is 87.6.
- The racial composition in Greensboro is as follows: 45.6% Whites, 40.6% African American, 4.0% Asian, 0.5% American Indian, and 9.3% other races.
- Median household income is $41,556. The unemployment rate is 5.80%.
- Greensboro has 66 public schools and 21 private schools. The student/teacher ratio is 15:1.
- Greensboro has annually on average 519 violent crimes per 100,000 residents and 4,130 property crimes per 100,000 residents.
- Greensboro has 757 police officers total, which is 2.7 officers per 1,000 residents.
- The average home price is $146,900.
2. Austin, Texas
- Austin has a population of 885,400 with a population density of 2,758.43 people per sq. mile.
- Austin is the 4th largest city in Texas.
- 271.8 square miles of Austin is land, and 6.9 square miles is water.
- Austin has 209 bars, 1818 restaurants, 36.8 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 88 museums.
- Austin residents enjoy a humid subtropical climate. They city receives 2,650 hours of sunshine a year and less than 3 inches of snow during the winter. The air quality index is 80.
- The racial composition in Austin is as follows: 48.7% Whites, 35.1% Latino, 8.1% African American, 6.3% Asian, 0.9% American Indian, and 0.9% other races.
- 85.35% of the working population works in white collar jobs.
- Median household income is $54,091. The unemployment rate is only 6.4%.
- Austin ranked #14 on Forbes List of Best Places to Live and Work.
- Austin has 127 schools in the district, with 85,697 students being served.
- Austin was dubbed “America’s #1 College Town” by the well-known Travel Channel.
- Austin ranks 5 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 48,050 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $185,600.
3. Seattle, Washington
- Seattle has a population of 652,405 with a population density of 7,774 people per sq. mile.
- Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest.
- 83.87 square miles of Seattle is land, and 58.67 square miles is water.
- Seattle has 296 bars, 1966 restaurants, 8.9 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 171 museums.
- Seattle has an oceanic climate and receives more rainfall than any other city in the U.S. The air quality index is 108.
- The racial composition in Seattle is as follows: 66.3% Whites, 13.8% Asian, 7.9% African American, 6.6% Latino, 0.8% American Indian, and 4.6% other races.
- 89.90% of the working population works in white-collar jobs.
- Median household income is $62,195. The unemployment rate is only 7.7%.
- Seattle is home to 14,411ft Mount Rainier.
- Seattle has 100 schools in the district, with 47,735 students being served.
- Seattle ranks 5 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 36,998 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $440,000.
4. San Francisco, California
- San Francisco has a population of 805,235 with a population density of 17,867 people per sq. mile.
- 46.87 square miles of San Francisco is land, and 185.02 square miles is water.
- San Francisco has 463 bars, 3,204 restaurants, 6.6 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 334 museums.
- San Francisco has a Mediterranean climate. The air quality index is 87.
- The racial composition in San Francisco is as follows: 41.9% Whites, 33.3% Asian, 15.1% Latino, 6.1% African American, 0.5% American Indian, and 3.1% other races.
- 90.54% of the working population works in white collar jobs.
- Median household income is $81,136. The unemployment rate is only 8.9%.
- San Francisco has 116 schools in the district, with 55,571 students being served.
- San Francisco ranks 6 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 45,912 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $975,000.
5. Phoenix, Arizona
- Phoenix has a population of 1,445,632 with a population density of 2,797 people per sq. mile.
- 516.70 square miles of Phoenix is land, and 1.24 square miles is water.
- Phoenix has 233 bars, 2,188 restaurants, 32 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 69 museums.
- Phoenix has a Subtropical Desert climate. The air quality index is 103.
- The racial composition in Phoenix is as follows: 46.5% Whites, 40.8% Latino, 6.0% African American, 3.2% Asian, 2.6% American Indian, and 0.9% other races.
- 50% of Phoenix jobs are white collar, and 50% are blue collar.
- Median household income is $54,804. The unemployment rate is 9.9%.
- Phoenix has 38 schools in the district, with 35,190 students being served.
- Phoenix ranks 10 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 70,235 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $540,910.
6. Raleigh, North Carolina
- Raleigh has a population of 431,746 with a population density of 3,023 people per sq. mile.
- 142.8 square miles of Raleigh is land, and 2.0 square miles is water.
- Raleigh has 110 bars, 867 restaurants, 30.8 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 51 museums.
- Raleigh has a Humid Subtropical climate. The air quality index is 83.
- The racial composition in Raleigh is as follows: 53.3% Whites, 11.3% Latino, 29.3% African American, 4.3% Asian, 0.5% American Indian, and 1.3% other races.
- 86.88% of the working population works in white collar jobs.
- Median household income is $60,003. The unemployment rate is 6.9%.
- Raleigh has 159 schools in the district, with 144,173 students being served.
- Raleigh ranks 16 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 16,022 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $205,000.
7. New York City, New York
- New York City has a population of 8,405,837 with a population density of 27,778 people per sq. mile.
- 304.8 square miles of New York City is land, and 164.1 square miles is water.
- New York City has 1,558 bars, 20,120 restaurants, 4.5 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 1,594 museums.
- New York City has a Humid Subtropical climate. The air quality index is 112.
- The racial composition in New York City is as follows: 33.3% Whites, 28.6% Latino, 25.5% African American, 11.9% Asian, and 0.07% other races.
- 93.69% of the working population works in white collar jobs.
- Median household income is $50,173. The unemployment rate is 8.8%.
- New York City has 1,700 schools, with 1.1 million students being served.
- New York City ranks 22 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 51,349 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $1,537,000.
8. Boston, Massachusetts
- Boston has a population of 645,966 with a population density of 13,340 people per sq. mile.
- 48.42 square miles of Boston is land, and 41.21 square miles is water.
- Boston has 199 bars, 1,863 restaurants, 7.6 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 148 museums.
- Boston has a Humid Continental climate. The air quality index is 104.
- The racial composition in Boston is as follows: 47.0% Whites, 24.4% African American, 17.5% Latino, 8.9% Asian, and 2.2% other races.
- 89.74% of the working population works in white collar jobs.
- Median household income is $52,433. The unemployment rate is 7.1%.
- Boston has 131 schools in the district, with 56,037 students being served.
- Boston ranks 15 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 24,593 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $465,000.
9. Madison, Wisconsin
- Madison has a population of 233,209 with a population density of 3,037 people per sq. mile.
- 76.79 square miles of Madison is land, and 17.24 square miles is water.
- Madison has 131 bars, 610 restaurants, 22.3 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 35 museums.
- Madison has a Humid Continental climate. The air quality index is 80.
- The racial composition in Madison is as follows: 78.9% Whites, 7.3% African American, 6.8% Latino, 2.9% Asian, and 4.1% other races.
- 89.69% of the working population works in white collar jobs.
- Median household income is $59,840. The unemployment rate is 5.0%.
- Madison has 46 schools in the district, with 25,000 students being served. Madison ranks 2nd in the nation for education.
- Madison ranks 16 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 9,166 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $200,000.
10. Jacksonville, Florida
- Jacksonville has a population of 821,784 with a population density of 1,100 people per sq. mile.
- 747 square miles of Jacksonville is land, and 127.6 square miles is water.
- Jacksonville has 156 bars, 1,648 restaurants, 54.2 park acres per 1,000 residents, and 46 museums.
- Jacksonville has a Humid Subtropical climate. The air quality index is 78.
- The racial composition in Jacksonville is as follows: 55.1% Whites, 30.7% African American, 7.7% Latino, 4.3% Asian, and 2.2% other races.
- 50% of Jacksonville jobs are white collar, and 50% are blue collar.
- Median household income is $48,514. The unemployment rate is 10.5%.
- Jacksonville has 184 schools in the district, with 123,997 students being served.
- Jacksonville ranks 10 on the crime index. In 2013, there were 40,063 violent and non-violent crimes reported.
- The average home price is $142,500.
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