Real Property Management of The Triad

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Your Winston-Salem Home

Indeed, very few things are worse than uncovering that your Winston-Salem rental house has a gnat problem. While they don’t bite or carry diseases, gnats can be an annoyance in an otherwise tidy home. Ripe fruit, trash bags, and even potting soil can attract these unwelcome pests. They seem to appear out of nowhere and can be stressful to get rid of. That is unless you know some of the best tricks to keep gnats out of your house for good.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: One of the most effective ways to eliminate gnats without harsh chemicals is to use a mixture of apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, and dish soap. The gnats will be interested in the sugar and then trapped by the soap. Keep a small bowl of the mixture near areas you’ve seen gnats buzzing around, and they will shortly be gone.
  • Fly Paper: One particular trouble-free, affordable technique to get rid of gnats is to use flypaper. Though probably not the most attractive option, those sticky flypaper ribbons are best at trapping buzzing insects around your home.
  • Bleach the Drains: If you’ve discovered a mass of gnats around your sink drains, you may have drain flies. To free your drains and house of these pests, pour a solution of bleach and water down the affected drains. Your sinks will swiftly be gnat-free.
  • Rotten Fruit: You may or may not already know that gnats like ripe fruit – it’s one of the main reasons why gnats arise in your house. So one approach to successfully get rid of gnats is to use it against them. Put a piece of ripe or rotten fruit in a bowl and cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap. With the use of a toothpick, poke a few small holes in the plastic. In so doing, the flies can get in but then become trapped in the bowl, which you can then bring out from the house.
  • Wine Trap: If you have various expired wine handy, you can utilize it to trap pesky gnats the same way. Pour some of the wine into a small bowl, add a few drops of dish soap, and then keep it around where the gnats probably are. They will then be trapped in the wine solution, keeping gnat removal trouble-free as can be.
  • Bug Zapper: If you’re going in search of a more aggressive method to eliminate gnats from your house, why don’t you try a bug zapper device. Multiple different sorts of bug zappers are available for purchase, most of which use electricity to zap flies, mosquitoes, and other flying insects. Just put up the zapper a bit far away and plug it in.
  • Chemical Spray: For gnat problems and annoyances that have gotten substantially out of control, you may need to resort to an insecticide. Both foggers and sprays can effectively remove gnats but should be used with caution. Always adhere to the manufacturer’s directions when utilizing chemical insecticides.

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